Bear Screw Piling News
The benefits of our steel screw piles for Knock Down ReBuild (KDRB) projects include…
· Can be used on sloping sites, with raised floor systems
· Are perfect for sites that require deep footings – 1.5m and deeper
· There’s no spoil to remove or stockpile
· And screw piles are recommended for reactive soil
· Excellent for ‘disturbed’ ground and uncompacted fill sites.
Faster installation AND much less noise or dust or vibrations
You don’t need a level site to use screw pile foundations.
Our screw piles can be the foundations and the raised floor system supports.
Tension bracing is achieved via a number of options to meet lateral load requirements.
And to minimise deflection at the top of the screw pile.
We offer a number of Bearer Plates and Connector Plates at the top of our piles.
With a maximum safe working load (SWL) of 150kN, our piles can be sealed or hot dipped galvanised.
These piles are installed to height with laser accuracy.
Once your engineer specifies foundations 1.5 metres and deeper, screw piles become competitive and are increasingly competitive, the deeper the screw piles go.
Ask any engineer or builder who has supervised excavations 2.0m deep, in sandy soil how much fun concrete foundations are.
Screw Piles are ideal for sandy sites.
Relative to other concrete foundations, with screw piles "Deeper is Cheaper"!
Old school concrete-filled bored piers require multiple pier holes to be excavated on site.
The spoil from these excavated, open holes has to go somewhere.
The spoil is either trucked away to be dumped (let's not even begin to discuss the enormous costs of dumping spoil at municipal tips!) OR stockpiled on site, which then has to be dealt with later, anyway.
With screw piles there are no open holes, there is no spoil to remove - saving time, money, transport...
Many Knock Down ReBuild sites soils profiles can be classified as highly reactive.
Reactive soils can cause cracking and damage to existing and new structures.
Our screw piles are designed to be installed beyond the reactivity soil to minimise the effects of reactive soils and keep the building stable
Screw piles can reach much greater depths than concrete piers, too.
Making them very effective if you're building on a reactive soil.
Screw piles also cause less soil displacement due to their installation technique, rather than drilling out & excavating the soil like with bored piers.
For reactive soils, our screw piles can also be sealed or hot dipped galvanised – significantly increasing the life span of the steel screw piles.
For Knock Down ReBuilds on New Concrete Slabs...
All Knock Down Re-Build specialist builders know when the original house is demolished and removed there can be almost anything left in the ground.
You also have to allow for the ground to have been ‘disturbed’ in the process of excavating and removing the previous house stumps or the original concrete slab or footings.
This disturbed ground, unless properly re-compacted is not an ideal substrate to lay a new concrete house slab on.
Settlement of the ground under your new home, constructed on ‘disturbed, uncompacted ground naturally occurs, so cracks can appear in concrete or in brickwork or blockwork.
Screw pile foundations will not be affected by ‘settlement’ or season soil moisture fluctuations – whereas shallow concrete footings are more likely to be affected.
By using screw piles, you can have footings installed down through the disturbed layers and into solid ground. Screw Piles - foundations you can rely on.
Knock Down Re-Builds sites almost always surrounded by existing neighbours.
Specialists in Knock Down Re-Builds know the build sites are almost always surrounded by existing neighbours.
Any opportunity to reduce impact on these neighbouring properties means a smoother build.
In addition to much less noise or dust or vibrations compared to concrete footing, during installation.
After the demolition, and site prep, Bear Screw Piling may be on site for as little as one day to fully install your foundations - and your following trades can commence next day.
In addition to all the other reasons above, screw piles can save you significant time on site, when compared directly to concrete-filled bored piers.
What other trade can add back days to your construction schedule?
Let us demonstrate to you exactly how screw piles save you time on site and how you can add that time back to your schedule.
And Request Your Own Copy Of Our BEAR Screw Piling Performance Guide...
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You can contact us 24/7 on 0482 088 250